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Official Bio – Dr. Donna LaMar, PhD

What do you do when your life has had so much trauma you know there is no hope for you – when everyone who was supposed to help you, hurts, abandons or betrays you?

Do you run? Hide? Become a people pleaser? Develop a mental illness?

Donna LaMar is a PhD and award-winning author with over thirty years of experience as a trauma psychologist. She shares her passion, personal experience, professional expertise, and Biblical principles to help people of all ages heal from their suffering and find joy. Her purpose is to help them change their lives of pain and bondage to freedom.

She is the Clinical Director of The Hope Project, a human traffic program for girls and women in Muskegon, Michigan. She was the co-founder and Executive Director of a nonprofit program created to help people heal from trauma based on a farm setting using plants and animals. She is certified in horticulture and equine therapies. 

Invite Donna to teach your guests how to get their lives back by healing from past suffering, accepting and receiving forgiveness, and trusting God as the Healer. 

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