We all get angry. I can hit someone or release my anger appropriately. It is my choice what I do with it. My choice is vital! Prisons are filled with people who choose to hurt others with their anger, and…
We all get angry. I can hit someone or release my anger appropriately. It is my choice what I do with it. My choice is vital! Prisons are filled with people who choose to hurt others with their anger, and…
Psychologist here. Well, where are we now? The virus and all its challenges we thought was lifting and we thought life would come to a new better normal. Now, we have riots, racism that has been underground for decades. Now…
The more we are in this time of seclusion the more I am wondering what it is we are supposed to learn. I am to learn more patience? I personally never wanted to learn it, but God in His wisdom…
For those of us who have been traumatized, this virus may be triggering old fear. We may find ourselves becoming more vigilant and trying to stay safe. Sadly, there is not safe place now, no place to hide or escape…
I just came back from a walk on my favorite lake, Lake Michigan. Yesterday it was a beautiful day and totally blue skies. The Lake was gorgeous and light blue. Today when I went, it was another gorgeous day with…
This blog may be hard for some people but very very important. These days of uncertainty we don’t know when a person may die. Don’t know if we will have a chance to say goodbye, or even have a chance…
I have been talking about loneliness. Now with the virus in everyone’s life one way or another, loneliness has a new difficult dimension. We are meant to be social, helping and encouraging each other. Now we have a stay at…
The stages of loneliness continue in this blog. Remember, like grief stages, these may occur in random order. 2. Bitterness – Painful Feelings channeled. When we do not deal with our painful feelings, they may fill up and spill over…
The Experience of Loneliness Loneliness seems to be a constantly companion in our survival journey. There are moments or seasons of our lives where it doesn’t seem so bad, then it surfaces like an additional punishment until we deal with…
Spiritual Loneliness: The Ultimate Loneliness The ultimate loneliness is a deep core spiritual loneliness for God. Some people tell me, I don’t believe in God, I don’t need Him. He wasn’t there for me when I was being hurt. The…
Loneliness and Time Here is a BIG one when we are dealing with loneliness. When we have been traumatized, we usually learn to live the future. Living in the present is not an option because in the present is where…
Pride, Business and Loneliness This pride is sometimes true sometimes a survival skills that works to boast our confidence and self-perception. It like all survival skills work to keep us going. Often it is based on things we think others…