I have been talking about loneliness. Now with the virus in everyone’s life one way or another, loneliness has a new difficult dimension. We are meant to be social, helping and encouraging each other. Now we have a stay at home and six-foot rule. This creates more loneliness world wide that we ever could have imagined.
We do have to feel what is happening to us. Do it safely. All our feelings are good and help us get information from our world. Right now, the big one is anxiety/fear. So, release it but feeling it appropriately. REMEMBER WHAT WE DO WITH OUR FEELINGS IS GOOD AND BAD NOT THE FEELINGS THEMSEVLES!
To release your feelings appropriately so they don’t build up inside of us, we have to follow these three rules. We have to use these to feel our feeling fully and safely:
- Can’t hurt yourself
- Can’t hurt something alive – plants, animals, PEOPLE –no yelling or hitting
- Can’t damage property you don’t want to damage – no phone throwing….
What else can we do with this? There are a number of things we can do to help us and other through it. The important thing is to know we are going to get through this and I know that good will come out of it even if that doesn’t seem possible now. Here are some ideas:
- Call people
- Skype or Zoom with people
- When you see people, we can still wave, smile and say Hi!
- Pray for people, the world and the ending to this virus
- Attend religious services online
- Use this time to develop a hobby, clean, organize, play with your family, do projects, read, etc.
- Take time to get to know who you are and explore goals you want to accomplish
- Go for a walk, exercise
- There are good things happening in this world with the virus, the media seems only want to focus on the awful stuff. Look for the good stuff
- The more positive we are, the more we are going to feel better, less stressed and less anxious.
We are going to come out of this.
Please see next on helping our children