We have freedom of choice. Life offers us many – where we live, what we eat, what we wear, where we work, do we choose to heal, and many other choices. What we will do with our Special Divine Purpose…
We have freedom of choice. Life offers us many – where we live, what we eat, what we wear, where we work, do we choose to heal, and many other choices. What we will do with our Special Divine Purpose…
The more we are in this time of seclusion the more I am wondering what it is we are supposed to learn. I am to learn more patience? I personally never wanted to learn it, but God in His wisdom…
For those of us who have been traumatized, this virus may be triggering old fear. We may find ourselves becoming more vigilant and trying to stay safe. Sadly, there is not safe place now, no place to hide or escape…
As our battle against this virus continues our situation affects our life situation which affects our feelings, thoughts and mental ability. We may find our thinking becoming cloudy or foggy or we may become depressed. Under all of this is…
This blog may be hard for some people but very very important. These days of uncertainty we don’t know when a person may die. Don’t know if we will have a chance to say goodbye, or even have a chance…
The stages of loneliness continue in this blog. Remember, like grief stages, these may occur in random order. 2. Bitterness – Painful Feelings channeled. When we do not deal with our painful feelings, they may fill up and spill over…
The Experience of Loneliness Loneliness seems to be a constantly companion in our survival journey. There are moments or seasons of our lives where it doesn’t seem so bad, then it surfaces like an additional punishment until we deal with…
Spiritual Loneliness: The Ultimate Loneliness The ultimate loneliness is a deep core spiritual loneliness for God. Some people tell me, I don’t believe in God, I don’t need Him. He wasn’t there for me when I was being hurt. The…
Pride, Business and Loneliness This pride is sometimes true sometimes a survival skills that works to boast our confidence and self-perception. It like all survival skills work to keep us going. Often it is based on things we think others…
Ok so how do we deal with it? It is painful, awful and I want to run from it. When I decided to write about loneliness, my old ever helpful, maybe not healthy, protective survival skills surfaced trying to keep…
As my healing journey continued, life presented more and more challenges that took me to my intense, deep loneliness. Here is the next part: At one point in my life I went through a very painful situation in my life…
This blog starts discussion on loneliness and surviving and transcending trauma. I hope it helps and please let me know your thoughts and feelings. TRAUMA AND LONELINESS I am sitting on my bed and feeling sorry for myself, playing spider…