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We have freedom of choice. Life offers us many – where we live, what we eat, what we wear, where we work, do we choose to heal, and many other choices. What we will do with our Special Divine Purpose is a vital choice that affects us, others, and the world.

Every person has a special spiritual purpose, all of us. It is uniquely ours. Only we can do and complete it. No one else can do it for us. Our responsibility always includes helping bring agape love to this hurting world.

How do we figure out what it is? That actually is easy. We ask ourselves what our passion is in life. This is a healthy passion one that helps and does not harm us and others.

Ask God what your purpose is. Even if you do not believe in Him, He believes in you and will answer. The answer may be an area to learn, a person to talk to, or something you already do.

I came to my purpose as God guided me to help people heal. Here is my purpose:

My name is Donna LaMar. I am a PhD trauma psychologist, National speaker, award-winning author, past radio host, and Christian. When it comes to trauma, I have seen it all and … personally experienced it all. 

Now, I use my professional training, personal experiences, and Biblical principles to help people of all ages heal from their suffering and find joy. My joy is helping them change their lives of pain and bondage to freedom, knowing God loves them. I love my work!

I speak to faith-based and non-faith-based organizations, groups, conferences, and retreats helping people heal. There is always a healing time when I speak.

  1. Will you choose to fulfill your special spiritual purpose? If not, what would stop you? What would help you do it?
  2. To help find your purpose, ask yourself, What have you always passionately wanted to do? Something that feels beyond the normal atmosphere of life and is healthy.
  3. Journal, meditate, and pray about it. It is vital to helping our world heal.

 I am Dr. Donna LaMar, PhD psychologist and speaker. I invite you to heal, gain freedom and wisdom. www.traumahealing777.com   Please share so it can help others heal.

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