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Develop your spirituality.

We are spiritual beings, having a human experience in a hard school called life. We are mind, body, and spirit. To be healthy, we must develop all parts of ourselves, especially our spirituality. It is our essence and contains many gifts, such as love, wisdom, the ability to transcend, conscience, joy, etc. The spirit is our essence, our cor. The spirit contains and develops our reason for living – our purpose. Without our purpose, we are lost and seek other things to satisfy us. Nothing else can.

We all have a spirit—the following are ways to connect and develop it.

  1. Get into nature and become quiet. Listen, feel its essence. Let your mind and body become one with nature.
  2. Listen to music that is peaceful with no or few words. Allow yourself to blend with it.
  3. Pray. Even if you never have, prayer is just talking to God. It is okay to be angry, upset, cry, plead, etc. ask God for help developing your spirituality and healing. It is okay not to believe in God. He believes in you and loves you. God is our healer.
  4. Learn about spirituality. Keep experiencing it.
  5. Please be careful about what you learn and how you express your spirituality. There are many hurtful and misguided spiritual practices in our world. Ask people you trust for more information.

For me, God develops my spirituality through my relationship with Him./Her. The more I develop my spirituality, the more I learn, grow, and heal.

  1. What is spirituality to you?
  2. How do you want to develop it?
  3. Is there any part of spirituality that frightens you? Sometimes it is from past trauma. Heal from it. Reclaim it.

I am Dr. Donna LaMar, PhD psychologist, and I invite you to heal and gain freedom and wisdom.

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