Develop a healthy support system.
A support system contains people who come alongside and help us get through life with all its good and not-so-good stuff. This can be a few people, a group, a religious organization, etc. The people in our support system become lifelines for us. I had times when I believed I didn’t even have one person who cared about me. It was hard, lonely, and painful. I now have amazing people and powerful prayer partners. Thank you, God.
Please know YOU are the most important person besides God in your support system! Be your best friend! Create lifelines, be one for others. When we heal, we change and connect to healthier people. This is growth!
In a support system, we give and receive in healthy ways. Sometimes we must give because the other person is in crisis. However, something must change if you are always giving or receiving. Sometimes, what we call our support system, is not one. Periodically we must remove people who add to your pain and/or keep them at a distance.
Volunteering, mutually shared activities, Bible studies, prayer groups, etc., can connect us to healthier people. I started a prayer group with women who also had been traumatized. We have now formed a ministry called Healing with God.
- Who is part of your support system? List them.
- How do they help you? How do you help them?
- How do they not help you? What do you need to change?
I am Dr. Donna LaMar, PhD psychologist, and I invite you to heal and gain freedom and wisdom.