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What’s happening in the world, and how can we change it? We are scared! Overwhelmed! Heartbroken! We work not to see many things we can’t even admit happened! What do we do to stop it? Can we stop it?

Many people are looking around, questioning, and trying to find answers. Here are four problems in this world:

  1. Violence is everywhere and creating fear in people of all ages. Violence comes from the world situation, COVID-19, cost of living, fear of what someone will do to us, what awful tragedy will happen next, believing no one cares anymore, and the list of worries goes on.
  2. People are lost to the world and themselves. We spend time on unimportant things and ignore our personal growth. We believe we cannot change the world, so why try? We fear being close to others and have fewer friendships.
  3. We stay busy, filling our time with work and activities, often struggling to avoid developing ourselves, healing, and close relationships.
  4. Lack of forgiveness is sadly causing us to harbor anger, hatred, hurt, sadness, grief, and pain from things, like trauma, that happened to us and others we love.

No, we can’t change the world, but we can help change our corner of the world. If enough of us choose to work to change our corner, the world will see changes. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Heal from trauma. Heal from any trauma we have experienced in this life—physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, cult, verbal, sexual, accidents, and other things that happened to us.
  2. Choose to share agape love. We can all choose to be kind, caring, and helpful. Pray. Agape love is vital to changing the world by overcoming pain, healing trauma, and changing us. If enough people love with agape love, the world would change.
  3. Choose to Forgive. Forgiveness is part of agape love and changing us and the world. We gain healing and freedom when we forgive because it helps eliminate our pain. Note:  forgiveness is for us and does not say what they did to us is okay.
  4. In this world, we often seek a power greater than us to help take of us. Sometimes this power is good, some not. Evil in this world can empower us, but it comes at a cost that will eventually damage us. Make sure you choose a power greater than you that is agape love—one who loves you unconditionally. I have chosen to be a Christian because God desires and helps me in all aspects of life, including helping me heal, loving me, and forgiving me no matter what I have done.

I am Dr. Donna LaMar, PhD psychologist and speaker. I invite you to heal, gain freedom and wisdom. www.traumahealing777.com   Please share so it can help others heal.

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