What’s happening in the world, and how can we change it? We are scared! Overwhelmed! Heartbroken! We work not to see many things we can’t even admit happened! What do we do to stop it? Can we stop it? Many…

7 Ways Rejection Causes Us Pain

7 Ways Rejection Causes Us Pain

Rejection goes deep into our essence or souls, causing pain and a knowing we are unworthy of anything, definitely not love. We know we are not wanted, and others have rejected what we offer. We have nothing else to offer….

One Major Way To Change Rejection

One Major Way To Change Rejection

People reject us. Life itself seems to reject us. BUT there is one major way we are NEVER rejected: spiritually. I am not talking about faith-based organizations such as churches, temples, etc. I am talking about God, our creator. I…

Rejection and Holidays

Rejection and Holidays

When rejected, holidays often become painful, lonely, and beyond what we can endure. We see all the lights, joy, happiness, and families and KNOW everyone else has the blessings of the holidays, but not us. We see everyone going to…

6 Ways To Understand Rejection

6 Ways To Understand Rejection

Life is full of rejection, and it happens to everyone. To heal from it, we have to understand it. Here are 6 things to understand: I am Dr. Donna LaMar, PhD psychologist and speaker. I invite you to heal, gain…

The Trauma Of Rejection, Definition

The Trauma Of Rejection, Definition

So, what is rejection? The best definition I have heard was from a teen who was in the group for at-risk adolescents who said: “It is something that should have never happened.” Right on. When I worked to define for…

Anxiety Understanding and Healing – Part 2

Anxiety Understanding and Healing – Part 2

As I mentioned in my last post, l learned more about anxiety through my experience with a medication that was to help me. It is taking longer than I would like to recover totally. My body adjusted to the meditation…

Anxiety Understanding and Healing – Part 1

Anxiety Understanding and Healing – Part 1

I thought I understood anxiety until my doctor put me on a new medication, then I learned so much more. Anxiety is fear of the future, and boy, did I have it. Fear of what I would do, not do,…

What if I Fail? What if I Succeed?

Fear of success and failure are the same coin, flip sides. One side says I am terrified of failing, the other of succeeding. The bottom line? The fear trauma put in us. This fear causes low self-esteem and how we…

We Have a Unique Purpose in Our Lives

“Why am I here? Why am I even alive? I get up. Go to work. Go home. Take care of the family. Then do it all over again. Is there more to me? Is there more to life? I feel…


Use healthy techniques that do not re-victimize you. In my profession, there are many techniques, approaches, theories, models, etc. They are not all safe. In the previous post, I encouraged you to check out therapists carefully. The same goes for…