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Trauma: Journey to Wholeness

Welcome! In this first of many blogs that talks about the difficult yet amazing journey to wholeness after being torn apart by trauma. I care about each one of you and am sorry for what you have gone through. I have gone through trauma too. It is lousy, awful and full of pain. We need to help each other on the journey to wholeness.

I am a Dr. of psychology and have been in this business for over thirty years. I have researched and learned a lot about surviving, overcoming and healing from trauma. I have learned a lot from my experiences, recently from a devastating trauma caused by the people of a nonprofit I helped create. I have also been blessed to learn about trauma from people who have allowed me to come alongside them in their healing journey.

Everyone can heal, it is a choice! We all have the ability to heal! The healing process brings a journey of pain and revisiting the past in a way that brings healing, freedom, joy and life back to us or maybe for the first time. The healing journey is also full of relief, hope, understanding and WISDOM! The only way we get wisdom is through painful journeys.

The journey to wholeness may not be what we want, but it is so what we need. There is life beyond trauma. There is hope and love. So glad you are part of this journey with me as we explore how trauma effects our lives and how we heal from it.

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