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After the last post, I was asked why I would expose my history and struggles. I did it because we who have been traumatized are often shoved in a corner, shamed, made to feel less than others, and majorly not believed. We are called liars, as if we made up all the stories that caused so much pain, loneliness, and despair.

We need to come out of the corner and stop pretending to be something or someone else. The trauma is the shame. The people who hurt us were wrong, and it caused us suffering we have endured for decades.

As a traumatized person who survived and chose to heal and love, I know the journey. I know the agony of no one believing or caring to support you. I know the everlasting regret that I could not heal fast enough to stop my pain from causing pain in others. I regret it deeply. I cannot change any of it. It is permanently in the past.

For us to heal, we must forgive them and ask others to forgive us. Some people will never forgive me and give me the chance to help them with their pain I did not want to cause. I hope someday a miracle of love will happen between us.

Choose love and forgiveness. Over 50-60% of the world’s population has been traumatized. Look around and see the hurt in people. We can make a difference. We who were traumatized remember it is not our shame. We did not do what happened to us. Choose to heal.

Come out and be counted. Celebrate you and all you have accomplished.

  1. How have you handled being traumatized in your life?
  2. What have you had to do to pretend you are okay?
  3. Do something to celebrate you. Be proud of how you have survived.

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