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In the following posts, I will go over the steps to healing in more detail. First, we have to decide. Next and number one is “What do we do with all those feelings?” The answer? Feel them appropriately! All our feelings are wonderful. They give us 30-50% of the information needed to make good life decisions. What we do with them is good and bad. For example, fear is a protective feeling that tells us we are unsafe. We must get safe if we are in a burning building or with an unsafe person. Each of our feelings does something for us.

To heal, we must embrace and feel all our feelings appropriately and safely, following three rules:

  1. Can’t hurt yourself.
  2. Can’t hurt something alive – plants, animals, and people.
  3. Can’t damage property you don’t want to damage.

Is it pleasant? Would we choose to feel all those feelings if we didn’t want to get out of pain? No. It is important to know we are NOT going back and reexperiencing the traumas that happened to us. We are feeling our physically stored feelings in our bodies in our cell’s neuropeptides in the present moment. The feelings are released, and we gain insight, understanding of our life, freedom, and wisdom.

Note: Many cities now have anger-release stores with things you can destroy and release anger safely.

  1. What pain are you experiencing in your body?
  2. Are you ready to feel your feelings and gain wisdom and freedom?
  3. Create a plan to feel your feelings – set a time, place, objects to use, etc. Because of the trauma we experienced, we often need to do our anger work by ourselves or with people who will help guide us but not be a target for it.

I am Dr. Donna LaMar, PhD psychologist, and I invite you to heal, gain freedom, wisdom and help change the world.

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