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Find a trauma psychotherapist you value and who is safe.

Attend weekly. Bi-weekly sessions are not enough to do intense healing work in the beginning. If you find the therapist is not the right fit, find someone else. Some therapists are trauma victims and may not have done their healing work. This can affect the work their work. If you find yourself “therapist hopping,” going from one to another, it may be your issues, not about finding the right therapist.

Psychotherapists/Counselors must be licensed. Ask friends, pastors, and educators for recommendations. I have had four therapists due to moving and areas I needed help. They need to be educated, caring, understanding, and skilled in helping people heal. My book If Marie Did I So Can I” contains a whole section on how to find one. Contact me if you need a book or section. There is a charge.

Never should a therapist become violent or want sexual favors of any kind. We are vulnerable and need a safe, protected place to do our healing work. If that happens, leave, call the police, and report to the state licensure authorities. If it has already happened, please still report it.

  1. If you need a therapist, list what you want from them. Male? Female? In-person? Virtual? What times would work, etc?
  2. When you find one, ask for a 15-minute interview to get to know them and how they work. Ask: times, specialties, and experience. You are hiring them. You can also leave them. It is your choice.
  3. Most of the healing work happens at the end of one session and before the start of the next. The therapist cannot do your healing work. If we could, we would. Are you doing the work needed to heal?

I am Dr. Donna LaMar, PhD psychologist, inviting you to heal and gain freedom and wisdom.

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