Abuse & Neglect | Healing | Overcoming | Pain | Protection | Rejection | Relationships | Trauma
Trauma victims always have some level of PTSD, from mild to severe. Sadly, we see PTSD as long-lasting, hopeless, and even permanent. It is not! It is healable, and there is always hope. As victims, we must ask ourselves, “Are we willing to do ALL the healing work we need? We have to commit and not give up. At times, we may become weary and need to take a break. Then we must regroup and go at it again.
The steps are the same for all healing. I will be talking about them in future posts:
- Embrace and feel all our feelings following the three rules
- Can’t hurt yourself
- Can’t hurt something alive – plants, animals, and people
- Can’t damage property you don’t want to damage
Following the three rules, you can release all feelings safely.
- Find a trauma psychotherapist you like and value. Work with them faithfully and weekly. Bi-weekly is not enough, but better than none.
- Use healthy techniques that do not re-victimize you.
- Find the resources to keep going.
- Develop a healthy support system. It can be a few people, a group, etc. Distance people who add to your pain.
- Develop your spiritual life. We are spiritual beings, having a human experience in a hard school called life. For me, this is my relationship with God.
- Be patient with yourself. It may take years to heal. It is worth it.
Healing PTSD takes us into our physically stored feelings, freeing us in ways we never thought possible.
- What is helping you to heal?
- What is blocking your healing?
- What can you do to help you more?
I am Dr. Donna LaMar, PhD psychologist inviting you to heal and gain freedom from pain.