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The last step in this series is how to treat yourself while healing. When traumatized, we are hurt, condemned, isolated, rejected, scapegoated, not loved, not cared about, abandoned, betrayed, etc. Now it is time for us to treat ourselves differently, with love and caring.

Thinking about being nice to ourselves may bring up thoughts and feelings of low self-esteem, such as not liking or hating ourselves. We have been taught well and know we do not deserve good things. We falsely believe we have no value and are not worth it. If the pain comes up, use it as an opportunity to heal. Feel the feelings and gain freedom.

Here are some ways to be kind to yourself:

  • The trauma is over. Do not continue the trauma and hurt yourself in any way – mind, body, or spirit. If trauma continues in your life, get help to stop it.
  • Treat yourself with kindness and love. These were not usually given to us. Now it is time to give it to ourselves. Do something you like – movies, dancing, special foods, special friends, quiet time alone, walking in the woods, etc.
  • Spend time getting to know yourself –  feel your feelings appropriately, journal, draw, etc. You are something special. Learn about you.
  1. Have you done to you what other people did to you? What?
  2. Forgive yourself.
  3. How have you taken care of yourself?
  4. Write yourself a love letter with all the ways you like yourself – what you have said and done. They are there. Ask others if this is hard for you.

I am Dr. Donna LaMar, PhD psychologist and speaker. I invite you to heal and gain freedom, and wisdom.

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