Anxiety Understanding and Healing – Part 1
I thought I understood anxiety until my doctor put me on a new medication, then I learned so much more. Anxiety is fear of the future, and boy, did I have it. Fear of what I would do, not do,…
I thought I understood anxiety until my doctor put me on a new medication, then I learned so much more. Anxiety is fear of the future, and boy, did I have it. Fear of what I would do, not do,…
Shame is part of the trauma experience. It says something is wrong with me. Guilt is when I did something wrong. Shame is I am the wrong. Shame is deep, dark and lays over our spirit. It affects our personalities,…
“Why am I here? Why am I even alive? I get up. Go to work. Go home. Take care of the family. Then do it all over again. Is there more to me? Is there more to life? I feel…
I am having one of those days when no matter what I try to do, it doesn’t work, and I don’t have everything I need, or just plain blocked. I have so much to do, my desk is piled, and…
The last step in this series is how to treat yourself while healing. When traumatized, we are hurt, condemned, isolated, rejected, scapegoated, not loved, not cared about, abandoned, betrayed, etc. Now it is time for us to treat ourselves differently,…
Use healthy techniques that do not re-victimize you. In my profession, there are many techniques, approaches, theories, models, etc. They are not all safe. In the previous post, I encouraged you to check out therapists carefully. The same goes for…
Trauma victims always have some level of PTSD, from mild to severe. Sadly, we see PTSD as long-lasting, hopeless, and even permanent. It is not! It is healable, and there is always hope. As victims, we must ask ourselves, “Are…
PTSD is the diagnosis for people who have suffered from trauma. Its symptoms include but are not limited to depression, anxiety/fear, anxiety attacks, flashbacks (repeating uncontrollable memories), hypervigilance, triggers, nightmares, overwhelming or unmanageable thoughts, repeating memories and emotions, isolation, anger/rage,…
Each of us can make our corner of this world different and better. Can you imagine what it would be like if everyone, or even most, did? We can smile, help, open a door, encourage, pick up trash, give food…
We worked hard to survive, learn to love, and be loved despite what we endured being traumatized. We had to go beyond the pain and choose to heal and love instead of hate. If we do not choose healing and…
We have been talking about how we protect ourselves. Now, let’s talk about those feelings connected and twisted in us. Our protection system works to keep us protected. It also works to control our feelings from the trauma so we…
What is a protection system? We create behaviors, thoughts, and feelings to protect ourselves from the pain of trauma and, if possible, from more trauma. When trauma first happened to us, we were defenseless and blindsided. We learn that to…