7 Ways Rejection Causes Us Pain

7 Ways Rejection Causes Us Pain

Rejection goes deep into our essence or souls, causing pain and a knowing we are unworthy of anything, definitely not love. We know we are not wanted, and others have rejected what we offer. We have nothing else to offer….

One Major Way To Change Rejection

One Major Way To Change Rejection

People reject us. Life itself seems to reject us. BUT there is one major way we are NEVER rejected: spiritually. I am not talking about faith-based organizations such as churches, temples, etc. I am talking about God, our creator. I…

Rejection and Holidays

Rejection and Holidays

When rejected, holidays often become painful, lonely, and beyond what we can endure. We see all the lights, joy, happiness, and families and KNOW everyone else has the blessings of the holidays, but not us. We see everyone going to…

6 Ways To Understand Rejection

6 Ways To Understand Rejection

Life is full of rejection, and it happens to everyone. To heal from it, we have to understand it. Here are 6 things to understand: I am Dr. Donna LaMar, PhD psychologist and speaker. I invite you to heal, gain…

The Trauma Of Rejection, Definition

The Trauma Of Rejection, Definition

So, what is rejection? The best definition I have heard was from a teen who was in the group for at-risk adolescents who said: “It is something that should have never happened.” Right on. When I worked to define for…

We Have a Unique Purpose in Our Lives

“Why am I here? Why am I even alive? I get up. Go to work. Go home. Take care of the family. Then do it all over again. Is there more to me? Is there more to life? I feel…


What is a protection system? We create behaviors, thoughts, and feelings to protect ourselves from the pain of trauma and, if possible, from more trauma. When trauma first happened to us, we were defenseless and blindsided. We learn that to…


We have talked about healing, feelings, and choosing to heal. The healing journey is not easy. Let’s look at what healing can mean to us: When traumatized, we often learn we are not okay and do not like ourselves. We…


The more we are in this time of seclusion the more I am wondering what it is we are supposed to learn.  I am to learn more patience? I personally never wanted to learn it, but God in His wisdom…


For those of us who have been traumatized, this virus may be triggering old fear. We may find ourselves becoming more vigilant and trying to stay safe. Sadly, there is not safe place now, no place to hide or escape…


This blog may be hard for some people but very very important. These days of uncertainty we don’t know when a person may die. Don’t know if we will have a chance to say goodbye, or even have a chance…


I have been talking about loneliness. Now with the virus in everyone’s life one way or another, loneliness has a new difficult dimension.  We are meant to be social, helping and encouraging each other. Now we have a stay at…