Abuse & Neglect | Coping Behaviors | Dr. Donna | Healing | Overcoming | Pain | Rejection | Relationships | Transcender | Trauma | Victims
The Serenity Prayer reminds us to know the difference between what we can and cannot. The healing journey forces us to examine our choices for change in our lives. Here are areas to remember.
- We can only change ourselves. We can heal, grow, and change our feelings, looks, clothes, and careers/jobs. We can leave relationships and change our cars, homes, cities, states, etc. It is all about what we can control and healthy boundaries.
- We cannot change other people! This is a fact. Too many people, especially women, go into relationships believing because they love someone, they can change them. This happens too rarely.
- We can use fear and violence to make someone compliant. Our victims look like they are changing. Actually, they are working hard to have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
- We can help people change with kindness only if THEY choose to change. WE, including me, have no power to change anyone. I am not talking about raising children who need respect and guidance as they grow and learn.
- We are limited in changing organizations unless we own them and/or are in charge.
- We can work to change our world and make a difference. We can help our corner of the world heal through our actions of healing, kindness, and restoration.
Life is hard and, at times, beyond what we can handle. We struggle to know what to do and change. We must take time to sort out and come to understand what we can and cannot change. In doing so, we find peace.
- What part of you or your life can you not change?
- What parts of you or your life can you change?
- What has it been like when you tried to change something you couldn’t change?
Please share these to help others heal. Also, I am a speaker, invite me!