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We Have a Unique Purpose in Our Lives

“Why am I here? Why am I even alive? I get up. Go to work. Go home. Take care of the family. Then do it all over again. Is there more to me? Is there more to life? I feel so empty. There is no meaning in my life.”

I hear this from many people. Not working to accomplish our purpose is often the reason for depression, anxiety, boredom, and living unsatisfying lives. Because we are spiritual beings, we have a unique, powerful, and vital job to complete while here on earth, called our purpose. This is our divine, special work. It is so unique only we can do it. Please hear me. Only you have been given your purpose and can make it happen. No one else in this entire world can.

God does not waste anything. God uses everything you have gone through to complete your purpose. All our pain, struggles, losses, and wisdom from going through it will be used to achieve our purpose. Your purpose helps heal this hurting world.

For me, all the trauma, pain, and my healing journey has been and is being used to help others heal and gain freedom from trauma. I am so blessed to be part of others’ healing and watching them discover how much God loves them. They decided God did not love, like, and/or made a mistake in creating them. Then they realize how important they are and are dearly loved.

I invite you to discover your purpose. Here is how:

  1. Ask God to tell you about your divine special purpose. If you say I don’t believe in Him, He believes in you and will answer.
  2. God’s answers can come in different ways – hearing, seeing, sensing, experiencing, etc. Just be open to how your answer may come.
  3. Our purpose is usually connected to our healthy, helping the world passion. How can you use your gifts to help others?
  4. Pray and research your purpose.
  5. Commit to your purpose. Offer your help to make a difference in this world.

Our hurting world could change overnight if we all commit to accomplishing our purpose because we would work to help people with agape love. Agape love changes hearts and the world.

I am Dr. Donna LaMar, PhD psychologist and speaker. I invite you to heal, gain freedom and wisdom. www.traumahealing777.com

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